Showing posts with label ACoN Blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACoN Blogs. Show all posts

Saturday 9 September 2017

When Our Abusers Stalk Our Anonymous Blogs

Isn’t it interesting that our narcissist abusers, of which we are estranged for years, even decades, somehow manage to “stumble upon” our ANONYMOUS blogs? Actually, it’s not that interesting or unusual. It’s quite common in the ACON community to be under surveillance by the deranged and the estranged. Malignant narcissists are predators who obsessively stalk their prey. This never stops. MNs must always maintain the illusion of power and control over their victim, even after decades of no contact. Going no contact and wanting nothing to do with them upsets the power balance and makes the narcissist feel out of control. Secretly infiltrating our lives, our space, our online group of other like-minded individuals, violating our privacy and even gaslighting via fake comments gives them the power rush they crave and a strong sense of control. 

Typical of covert abusers, narcissists want to stalk us on the sly but at the same time let us know they're watching us. "I can see you, but you can't see me!" It's a never ending invisible war of domination and control. It's a lifelong game of cat and mouse. "You will not expose me! I will expose you first!" The thing is, we don't want to expose them (unless of course they have committed crimes) - that's the point of writing ANONYMOUSLY. But just to trump us, they will out themselves as our abusers to play the victim and rob us of our anonymity. They expose themselves because they are utterly shameless when it comes to their abuses. They rip away our privacy because they need to exert control. It's always about power plays with narcissists. Think: 5 year old trapped in the body of an adult throwing temper tantrums, cajoling, manipulating, coercing, LYING and persuading in order to get their way. Narcissists have the emotional and moral maturity of a child. That's why so much of their behavior defies logic. 

From what I've read, there have been plenty of premeditated invasions of ACON blogs. These narcissists don't just happen to "stumble upon" our blogs. They are hunting us. Some of the more devious MN perpetrators lay in wait for years stalking, spying, monitoring and observing their prey online. They have feeds of our blogs and they take screen shots of the content and even print-out hundreds and hundreds of pages. They are studying us, gathering intelligence and stock piling information that they will twist and turn and try to use against us at a later date… when it suits their nefarious agenda. They compulsively watch and salivate over their prey in a manner similar to those addicted to online pornography. I believe their perverted voyeuristic behavior even gives them an erotic charge. Like all sadists, they are turned on by inflicting pain and causing emotional, psychological and financial harm to others. The MN stalkers are captivated by our lives and extremely possessive of those they believe they own; especially the one they cannot control. Our blogs are a HUGE supply source to the malignant narcissist – a place where our feelings are captured on screen and available to snack-on whenever they feel the need to feed. Sort of like how the Wicked Witch of the West was fixated on Dorothy's journey and hunted her down through a crystal ball. The calculating narcissist lays in wait carefully studying our every move. She plots and plans and schemes and when the time is just right, she sics "her own personal army" of flying monkeys to attack. 

Can you imagine if it was a crime to write ANONYMOUSLY about the abuse inflicted by narcissists? Can you imagine if some "authority" banged down your door, arrested you for blogging ANONYMOUSLY about abuse and gave you a "No Blogging!" order? Can you imagine every ACON being banned from writing or speaking on any social media about abuse because it offends the abuser? Can you imagine facing jail time if you dare write ANONYMOUSLY about the horrendous violence inflicted on you by narcissists? Can you imagine a world run by narcissists, narcissist sympathizers and narcissist appeasers? Can you imagine a world where the malicious narcissist is protected from your outrage at the emotional, psychological and financial crimes committed against you? Can you imagine a world where the traumatized is disempowered, harassed, bullied, abused and OPPRESSED further by being made a criminal for speaking-out about their suffering? 

What if it was illegal for a blogger to write about her life on her own ANONYMOUS blog? Can you imagine if her sadistic abuser was given the power to police her blog about her life? Well, that would be one hell of a power high for the control freak narcissist. Can you imagine if the blogger wrote about her journey on surviving narcissistic abuse and was hauled in for questioning, arrested, and threatened with jail in order to "deter" her from writing ANONYMOUSLY about her life in the future? Can you imagine a system made up of narcissistic clowns who dictate what you think, say, and do? Can you imagine a system where it's dangerous to express your thoughts and feelings and personal opinions and the truth; a system that demands silence? Can you imagine having the "tone" in which you write policed? And being charged for "thought crimes"?

Welcome to my Orwellian Nightmare. Welcome to the Cult of Narcissistic Abuse - a means of social control permeating sick, dangerous and dysfunctional environments. Welcome to Draconian Canada - an oppressive country with covert thought police that do the bidding of narcissists and criminalize the victim for speaking out about injustice and abuse; a country that piles on with the narcissist and breaks the victim's back; a country that re-victimizes survivors of abuse by imposing harsh punishments, criminal records and threats of jail time for expressing ideas, opinions and life experiences creatively... and ANONYMOUSLY. 

Maybe you thin-skinned, self-righteous, cyberstalking motherfuckers should spend more time judging the malicious conduct of the abusers dressed in victim drag and less time condemning the "words" of the true victim. 

And get this straight: this blog is not for people like you. It's for people who have been screwed-over, ripped-off, betrayed, bullied, abused and violated by people like you!

Read Jonsi’s kick-ass blog post SECURITY BREACH to get an idea of how Narcissist Abusers operate online. Read the comments too. Here are some brilliant quotes:

…. because in the Merry-Go-Round world of the Ciphers and Vandals, they set themselves up to be exposed and then try to shame the Truth-talkers for exposing them: when in reality, the exposure was precisely what they wanted to begin with. 

There isn't anyone more interested in the SHOW of keeping their identities private than the assholes and psychos who know they've got something to hide. In their world, the formula is actually pretty simple: They want to be exposed when, and only when, they feel their followers will still side with them.

In the real world, my formula is simple too: don't give me anything to write about and you won't find yourself subject to my analysis . And if you don't like what I have to say, then move along little doggy.

Friday 8 September 2017

Web Justice


























Thursday 10 August 2017

Narcissist Family Members Always Deny Truth

Narcissistic Family Members Always Deny Truth

By Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

If you are a member of a narcissistic family–whether you are the child of a narcissistic mother or narcissistic father or both, or the brother or sister of a narcissistic sibling or are married to a narcissist, always remember that you hold the truth. Narcissists live in a state of grandiose delusion of their making. More powerful and influential narcissists in the family put pressure on those who are more dependent personalities to convince them to go along to get along with them.

I have had contact with many victims of narcissistic family abuse who have spent years at the mercy of their narcissistic families, including their spouses. For years and even decades those individuals in these pathological families who are free of delusion and know and speak the truth are ostracized and become the target of disdain, humiliation and shunning. Often their family members let everyone know that they have a very sick and confused person in their midst. They spread rumors about you when you are the only one who knows the truth about yourself and them and their multitude of secrets and treacheries. In other cases the narcissists in the family pretend that you don’t exist and make you invisible and non-existent in their minds and through their actions.

Narcissists turn reality upside down and sideways and spin it in continuous circles of lies, deceptions, cruelties and betrayals. What they hate the most is the truth because deep in their unconscious they are psychologically empty, filled with rage and self-hatred. They are incapable of self-understanding or introspection or empathy. Their identity is a charade, a false self that developed when they were very young and will never change.

Remarkably, there are individuals who persevere, research, work through their personal insights, develop practices that lead them to deeper awareness who come from these highly toxic families and marriages. They gain greater strength and thrive as they extricate themselves from their pathological relationships. It is a different path that they take and a difficult one. So often they feel completely alone. No one understands them or will listen. But they don’t give up. They pursue the pathway less traveled that leads to an ever evolving consciousness, increased creativity, a deep wish to share their truth with others who are receptive. 

I have deep respect and a special place inside for those who have won this battle for the truth. They are heroic extraordinary individuals. You are not alone. There are so many others who share your life experiences. Be receptive to finding these individuals. I have found that as the society becomes more narcissistic and even sociopathic, there are people whom you will meet that have a high consciousness that always seeks the truth, that welcomes it in you and with whom you can communicate deeply. 

Trust your intuition to know who these individuals are. Their numbers are growing. You will find them. Work with the loving parts of yourself and appreciate who you are every day, each moment. You are precious and no one like you will ever come into existence again. You are a singular human being. Celebrate this; use every part of yourself. You have resources deep inside that are waiting to be tapped, creativity that is spun gold and a heart that is both receptive and strong.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

I'm a human being, god-dammit! My Life Has Value!

I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth. Banks are going bust. Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be.

We know things are bad — worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is: 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.'

Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get MAD! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot — I don't want you to write to your congressman, because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. [shouting] You've got to say: 'I'm a human being, god-dammit! My life has value!'

So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell: I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!

I want you to get up right now. Sit up. Go to your windows. Open them and stick your head out and yell - 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!' Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!...You've got to say, I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE! Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first, get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!  --- Network

Is British Columbia Lawyer Kathryn Ford a Cyberstalker and a Malicious, Corrupt, Authoritarian Bully?

This is Clown Counsel and formidable Slanderer Kathryn Ford who seems to be under the delusion that "her power" allows her the right to denigrate and SILENCE an ACON Blogger.


This is what the CUNT looked like in court. I guess she was in her element smacking around an abuse victim. She will maliciously violate your privacy and shred your charter rights and freedoms. Kathryn Ford is a shameless bully and will slander you in court if she feels even the tiniest bit threatened. I'm SO sorry you're a pathetically insecure person, Kathryn Ford. But I have a hold of your slanderous statements in court in the form of a transcript, and now I can sue you and the mentally ill and delusional Colleen for defamation. More on you later Colleen, you crazy MN witch.

As for you, K.F., you are a fucking joke, and a disgrace to your profession. I have it it on good authority that you are hated in the legal community. Absolutely hated! Must suck to be you. Also, a little bird told me that you are psychotic and that not only should you be medicated; it would be in the best interest of the public if you go the fuck away, like leave town!! - it's evident that you are batshit crazy!!!

..... now don't get your panties in a wad; how is this any different from what you did to me, you nasty, malicious bully?! Did I mention that I think you, Colleen, Dinah, Robin, and Sherry are a bunch of malignant narcissist criminals in the process of a cover-up? Malicious prosecution, violating my charter rights and freedoms, violating my human rights, stigmatizing, criminalizing, defamation, unfair process, abuse of process, estate theft, conveyance fraud, negligence, breach of trust, conspiracy, collusion.... hell, I could go on. You are carrying-out your dirty work on the tax payer's dollars. You all should be ashamed, but you are all absolutely shameless and brazen in your corruption. The hell a bunch of deranged bitches can brew-up if left to their own devices.

You should never fuck with someone who has had everything STOLEN from them.

Don't forget to get a screen shot Colleen... I will go after your pathetic scheming ass for copyright infringement, you stupid delusional mental case stalker! 

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Narcissists: Making Others Do Their Dirty Work

By Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

Narcissists beneath it all are cowards and phonies. Despite their psychological shallowness they perpetrate tremendous damage on other human beings—emotional, financial, mental. Pernicious lying, deceptions and manipulations are part of their psychological dna. For most narcissists their image is uppermost in their minds at all times. How they appear to others, how many followers they are accumulating, how much praise and adulation they are receiving and how wonderful people believe they are—these are their touchstones. I have communicated with many of those who were married to narcissists who were stunned by their partner’s ability to maintain a pristine public image while privately causing severe trauma, emotional distress and even terror to members of his/her family, business partners, etc.

Narcissists who succeed in the world preserve their pristine images by having favored members of their tight inner circle do their dirty work. Whether it is bringing down a business competitor by stealth and intimidation, using corps of attorneys to break down a former spouse who is asking for child support and custody arrangements, narcissists find the best follower, the most devoted—to carry out their malicious goals. I have had contact with many of their victims, especially their discarded and broken spouses, partners and children. The damage that they do is immeasurable. Part of the insidious problem is that the current culture rewards narcissistic behaviors–“I’ve got mine; the hell with you.” The narcissistic style of acting superior, being over-entitled and a laser focus on outward appearance and “image” has become pervasive in many stratas of our culture today.

Those who have survived the narcissist and are prevailing by moving forward with their lives despite all of the pain they are suffered, deserve our deep respect and empathy. These individuals are real. They come without facade, artifice or hidden agendas. Visit my website:  

Good, to the point article. Narcissists do recruit others to do their dirty work. It’s surprising how many so-called professional women in positions of authority are so willing to pile on with the MN abusers. Methinks they must be up to no good, and acting in collusion with the sociopath for their own personal gain.

This is how I found out that my dad died - thanks to the scumbag lawyer who has made a fortune taking advantage of a "vulnerable" Estate. I guess after all the money the sociopath sent your way; you owed her a "favor."

I was just informed my dad died.... by a lawyer!